Of very good colour, with original hinges.
Narrow proportions, in exceptional condition considering the age.
We would date this to the mid 17th century, later dated at 1704 as it was probably given as a marraige present.
Height = 179 cm (71")
Width = 139 cm (55")
Depth = 47 cm (19")
A charming original narrow oak carved court cupboard
| $3,691 USD | €3,390 EUR
Item Ref
Of very good colour, with original hinges.
Narrow proportions, in exceptional condition considering the age.
We would date this to the mid 17th century, later dated at 1704 as it was probably given as a marraige present.
Height = 179 cm (71")
Width = 139 cm (55")
Depth = 47 cm (19")
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