From a good country house estate, in Lancashire.
Of very pleasing proportions, with 3 drawers to the bottom and 2 cupboards above.
Ideally suited for a hallway or hanging coats and will be fitted with a heavy duty rail before sale.
In great condition, completely gone through, strengthened and rebuilt.
Of good warm medium/dark oak colour.
Height = 195 cm (77")
Width = 163 cm (64")
Depth = 57 cm (23")
A good mid 18th century oak tack cupboard
| $2,564 USD | €2,355 EUR
Item Ref
From a good country house estate, in Lancashire.
Of very pleasing proportions, with 3 drawers to the bottom and 2 cupboards above.
Ideally suited for a hallway or hanging coats and will be fitted with a heavy duty rail before sale.
In great condition, completely gone through, strengthened and rebuilt.
Of good warm medium/dark oak colour.
Height = 195 cm (77")
Width = 163 cm (64")
Depth = 57 cm (23")
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